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About corporate collections

We have often heard or seen the term "Private Collection”, but we rarely come across the term "Corporate Collection". So, here we explain what these are and why they are important.

From its name, we can deduce that corporate collections belong to companies or large corporations, and that is exactly the case. However, we often consider them less important than private or institutional collections, but they also play a very important role in the development of artists and the art system.

Every company has values that identify them, as well as a mission and vision that guide their daily activities. Some may have a profile with a greater commitment to art and culture, adopting initiatives in this direction, including the acquisition of artworks. This can help them improve their brand image, making them appear more sensitive and sophisticated, fostering relationships with clients by connecting on a deeper level. This is how they begin to acquire various pieces until they have a collection.

These pieces can be displayed in public spaces, as is the case with the Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo, a company that has four museums across Italy in Milan, Naples, Turin, and Vicenza. Their collection consists of more than 35,000 artworks, displayed in these four museums, called Le Gallerie d’Italia (translated as "The Galleries of Italy").

Alternatively, they can be private collections. In this case, the pieces are installed within the corporate premises, as in the case of Leonardo Assicurazioni, another example of an Italian company. This insurance company is also involved in investment risk monitoring and offers other financial services. Their offices are located in one of Milan’s corporate areas, and their collection is displayed on the first and second floors of their offices. However, they also have a space called Spazio Leonardo in the lobby, where they present temporary exhibitions of contemporary artists in collaboration with UNA Galleria, a contemporary art gallery located in Piacenza, Italy. The collaboration between the two translates into Leonardo Assicurazioni purchasing artworks from the gallery.

These companies also use their collections to engage employees, encouraging visits to the spaces and promoting dialogue with the artists. This is why they play an important role in the art world, as they provide greater visibility for them. Furthermore, the selection of pieces also involves an investment intention, which validates the careers of the artists included in the collection. Long-term value is also a determining factor, as it indicates confidence in the artists with whom they collaborate.

An artist who collaborates with brands and companies does not become a commercial artist, but rather an artist worthy of our attention.


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