Services | RF Art Consulting
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We are the managers of the art system: we solve any issues you may have regarding the art world. 


We offer specialized and tailored services for artists, collectors and art businesses, making it easier every step within the art system.

For artists

As your managers, we can help you build you career with the following services

Portfolio management, catalogues and exhibition proposals.

Representation in sales and private transactions

Grants, residencies and competition tracking

Career advisory and promotion

Consultancy regarding the art system

For collectors

It is not just about telling you what to buy.

Our art advisory services go beyond the selection of artworks protecting your investment.

Strategic planning to develop an art collection.

Linking collectors and cultural institutions.

Documentation registration and cataloguing.

Valorization strategies

Selection of artworks in national and international markets

For art businesses

We are here to make sure all the elements of your art business work in the best way possible, and to help you position your business on the global art scene.

Exhibition projects for galleries and art fairs.

Tailored travel planning focused on the client's artistic interests.

Talks, courses, and workshops about the art system.

Representation and support at art fairs and events

Business development consulting

Book an appointment

Tell us more about what you seek and expect from the art world,

so we can tailor our services to your needs.

RF is here to help you.

"Having a catalogue has made a difference in my career as an artist. RF's curatorial services have helped me to move forward."

Jordi Alós, artist

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